About Us
We are educator-aviation professionals with a shared passion… a passion for quality flight training.
Our intention is simply to bring the best flight training to you, period. Whether an owner or a pro-pilot, we are committed to your total satisfaction and nothing less.
Our foundation is operational and real-world… 8 CFII’s, 308 years flying experience and 257 years flight training collectively.
Management Bios

Paul Liberatore is the COO of Access Flight Training Services, LLC (AFTS) and provides primary leadership for all facets of company sales, marketing, operations and business development. He is passionate about providing the best flight training available and brings many new approaches to the marketplace.
Prior to creating AFTS, he was the Sales and Operations Director for Aviation Training Management LLC for five years. He was primarily responsible for overall revenue generation efforts, marketing, product and market development, CFII management, administrative and IT support, CRM and customer service, and primary interface with insurance brokers and underwriters and the instructors.
Mr. Liberatore draws heavily from his career in corporate America leading large technology development and support organizations for a Fortune 500 company. Concurrently, he completed a 20-year military career in aviation operations and safety throughout the US, Europe and W. Asia.
He attained his bachelor of arts degree at St. Vincent College in W. PA, partially completed an MBA at Golden Gate University, SF, CA and completed the Aviation Safety Officer Course at the U.S. Naval Postgraduate College, Monterey, CA. He retired as a Commander (O-5) from the Naval Reserve and USMC primarily flying the RF-4B and A-6E throughout the US, Europe and the Western Pacific areas. He accumulated 200 day and night carrier landings and approximately 1500 flying hours.

Mike Graham is the Chief Flight Instructor for Access Flight Training Services LLC.
He began his flying career by earning his private license in 1981, and has been hard at his profession ever since. He graduated from LSU in 1981, then attended LA Tech earning a BA in Professional Aviation in 1990. He is a CFII, MEII and holds Commercial and Instrument ratings.
Mike has amassed approximately 12,000 hours TT with 5000+ hours dual given, and is current flying the King Air 90, 200, Meridian, and TBM 700/850 as a corporate pilot. In addition, he regularly conducts primary flight training around his hometown. He flies approximately 1200 hours per year.
At Access Flight Training Services, his duties include ensuring that our customers training needs are fully met during all phases of training. He also provides oversight of all flight instructors and their training activities, ensuring that they comply with training policies and safe procedures.
He is married with children and resides in Baton Rouge, LA. In his spare time, he enjoys cooking and boating with his family.